AULC annual conference 2022 | Monday 25th – Wednesday 27th April 2022 | Hosted by the University of Nottingham
The 23rd Association of University Language Communities (AULC) annual conference will take place online Monday 25th – Wednesday 27th April 2022 and will be hosted by the University of Nottingham. The conference title is Envisage the Future: Reshaping Language Teaching and Learning.
The aim of the conference is to enable language centre practitioners, language educators and scholars to present and discuss their practice, pedagogies and research around the following three broad strands:
- Assessment
- Student Agency (including staff-student collaboration)
- Sustainability of Institution Wide Languages Programmes
- Reconceptualising assessment – task authenticity and relevance
- Student agency; ownership of learning; student wellbeing
- Equality, diversity and inclusion in teaching (policy/pedagogy/practice)
- Embedding digital pedagogy in the language curriculum (policy/pedagogy/practice)
- Reimagining in-person teaching and the shape of the future classroom
- Fostering staff resilience and wellbeing
- Sustainability of Language Centres: challenges and opportunities
- Scholarship and professionalisation of language teachers
It will be an opportunity for our community to come together to share practice, pedagogies, research and reflections in our context.
The conference organising team is hoping to publish an edited volume with selected papers from the conference.
Submission guidelines
We invite submissions for presentations, or for short workshop activities. If you would like to present on any of the above topics, please complete this online form. You will be asked to submit an abstract of up to 300 words, and to indicate which of the themes your abstract best fits.
The closing date for submission of abstracts is Wednesday, 19th January 2022 (5pm). Please be aware that this is a strict deadline.
We look forward to receiving your submission!
Contributors will be notified by 4th February whether their submission has been accepted.
If you have any questions, please email: