Teaching & Learning Support

Special Interest Group


Dr Marion Sadoux, University of Oxford (marion.sadoux@lang.ox.ac.uk) and Sofia Anysiadou, University of Central Lancashire (SAnysiadou@uclan.ac.uk). 

About the Teaching & Learning Support SIG

The group can meet “virtually” using the JISCmail email list: www.jiscmail.ac.uk/aulc-tls

The aim of the SIG is to help members share and improve their knowledge of technical matters and language learning resources. Join to discuss the needs of teachers and learners and exchange technical information and solve problems of AV and computer use in language learning and teaching. The above is also the list for identifying and exchanging language resources.

Meetings will generally be held as parallel sessions during AULC AGMs. Extra meetings can be arranged as the group decides.

Prime areas for this group

  • Technical innovation
  • Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
  • Broadcasting – radio, television, satellite – digital technology, etc.
  • Language laboratories – analogue, digital and related technologies.
  • Missed recordings – opportunities to obtain vital radio & TV recordings (Under ERA licence)
  • Information about new products and technologies
  • Copyright & licencing issues including negotiation with publishers
  • Monitoring possible changes in legislation affecting television & radio recording
  • Cataloguing and database methods and technologies
  • Staff Development

Useful resources

Mailing list

Subscribe to the Teaching & Learning Support SIG mailing list via the JISCmail website: www.jiscmail.ac.uk/aulc-tls

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