About us

AULC is an organisation for all staff working in HE language departments and centres in the UK and Ireland. Around 70 Universities are currently members.

Aims of the association

  • To encourage and foster:
    • good practice and innovation in language learning and teaching, and
    • effective resource management and administration
  • To hold regular meetings of members to facilitate discussion and exchange information on the diverse activities of university language centres
  • To facilitate contacts with university centres internationally and to promote university language centres both within and outside the university community
  • To monitor emerging national and international language standards and develop appropriate quality assurance mechanisms


AULC provides networking opportunities for all staff involved in management, teaching and resources through its regular meetings, Special Interest Groups and mailing lists.


Whether yours is a well-established Language Centre, whether you are looking to expand your operation or whether you are struggling to maintain your presence in your institution, you will find other AULC members who are in a similar situation and are willing to share experience and ideas.

Membership costs

Institutional membership costs £90 per year and this entitles all staff at the institution to participate in all AULC activities. Many members also choose to join CERCLES (European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education), to which AULC is affiliated (fee €100).

Further information

For more information about AULC, contact us by email. Join us to face the challenges and opportunities together!

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