
AULC conference 2024, 25-26 April, University of Exeter

the University of Exeter’s will host the 25th Association of University Language Communities’  (AULC) Annual Conference, on 25th and 26th April. The conference title is New Directions for University-Wide Language Programmes: Challenges and Solutions in Innovation, Inclusivity and Community Building.

Click here for information and registration


The aim of the conference is to enable language educators and scholars to present and discuss their practice, pedagogies and research around the following three broad strands:

  1. University-Wide Language Programmes today 
  2.  Innovation in language teaching and learning 
  3.  Inclusivity, community building and local communities 


  • The role and sustainability of UWLPs today 
  • Intercultural competence and language learning communities 
  • Inclusivity and curriculum design 
  • Decolonising language teaching 
  • The role of UWLPs to address linguistic diversity in local communities 
  • UWLPs and collaborations for philanthropic purposes 
  • Commercialisation in UWLPs 
  • UWLPs and collaborations for philanthropic or educational purposes 
  • Innovation in assessment 
  • Artificial Intelligence and technology-enhanced teaching & learning 
  • New trends in language teaching and learning 
  • The Year Abroad, Internationalisation at home, and the role of UWLPs 
  • Certification of language learning 
  • Collaborations with other national and international HE institutions 

Delegates will have an opportunity to exchange viewpoints on teaching and learning approaches and reflect on the challenges and possible solutions to address today’s social, cultural and political scenarios. 

Submission guidelines:

We invite submissions for 20-minute presentations, one-hour workshops or one-hour panel discussions. If you would like to submit a proposal on a topic related to any of the above themes, please complete this ONLINE FORM with an abstract of up to 300 words. 

The closing date for submission of abstracts is Friday 23rd February at 10am

We look forward to receiving your submission! 

We expect to notify contributors by mid-February whether their submission has been accepted. 

If you have any questions, please email Dr Juan García-Precedo, Director of the Language Centre, University of Exeter:


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